Project 2: Milestone 4


My app ended up being heavily simplified do to time and technical constraints. While I originally intended to make a digital character sheet tracker, the scope of the project turned out to be far larger than I expected. For an app like that I would’ve liked to implement data persistence, but that would’ve been fairly complicated when dealing with large class instances like characters with their various stats.

As an alternative, I decided to implement and app in a similar vein, but more more achievable within the time frame. Now instead of displaying saved character information, specific class information can be looked up. For each class within the list view, one can find information regarding their preferred alignment, hit die, ranks per level, and available skills, all of which are essential to building a DnD player.

Even though I didn’t create the app I intended to, I still learned a lot about data persistence and transferring information between activities. Through this project I also learned how to implement a list view, which I used instead of a recycler view (Android’s new and improved list view) because it was much easier to organize and set onClickListeners for. Overall I’ve developed a strong foundation for developing apps in Java using Android Studio.